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BP Weekly Newsletter 10-6-2022

Superstar families,

We had a great week here at Brook Park this week! Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Friday, October 7th or on Monday, October 10th. We hope you enjoy the long weekend! Here are just a few things coming up:


Parent University

District-wide Parent Education Night will take place at Brook Park on Wednesday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m. Will be presented by Katie Johns, District Behavior Specialist, and titled: Adjusting to the new school year: How to incorporate new routines, cope with changes and support your students at home. All parents are welcome to attend. Please RSVP Here


Picture Retakes:

Retake picture day is coming up Wednesday, October 19th. If you would like to prepay for pictures, please visit the VanGogh website-

 School Code- 20070502


SEL Blurb - Week of October 3, 2022:

Students learned and practiced the steps of Stop Walk and Talk (SWAT), a technique used to stand up to behavior that is offensive or unwanted.  Find more information in the Brook Park Social Work Corner.


Red Ribbon Week:

October 24th-October 28th will be Red Ribbon Week at Brook Park. We will have a special spirit week that staff and students are encouraged to dress up using the themes listed below:

Monday=Red-Y to live a healthy life (Wear Red)

Tuesday=Head to toe healthy (Crazy socks or crazy hair)

Wednesday=Be strong and kind (Wear superhero apparel)

Thursday=”Peace out” to bad habits (Wear tie dye)

Friday=Superstars make super choices (Wear BP spirit wear)


Help Wanted: Substitute Teachers:

District 95 is looking for substitute teachers at the rate of $120 per day. Can you work one day, two days, or more? All of those options are great ones. The position offers a flexible work schedule and allows you to help your school. Click HERE to apply. For information on substitute requirements and certification click HERE.

Halloween Happenings at Brook Park:

Halloween will be a special celebration at Brook Park School. On Monday, October 31st, children will be allowed to dress for our Annual Halloween Party & Parade. In order to ensure the safe passage of our children to/from school and preserve part of the academic day, we have established the following guidelines:


If your child is planning on bringing a treat for their classmates, the treats should be non-edible such as pencils, stickers, etc.  Edible treats are not allowed and will be sent home with the child.

Children may wear their complete costume to school for the entire day. They do not have to take it off and change into different clothes.                                                                                             

Students will be allowed to wear face paint or color their hair as part of their costumes; they must arrive like this, they cannot do this at school.

Toy weapons will not be allowed as part of a costume.

Shoes must be worn at all times (gym shoes are recommended).

Students are not required to dress in costumes or participate in the activities. Please let your child’s teacher know if they will not be participating in the Halloween activities.

As a security measure: Only parents that have signed up in advance as volunteers will be allowed in the school for the parties. We will be asking parents for IDs upon entry.  Grades K, 1 and 2 parents will enter Door #4, grades 3, 4 and 5 parents will enter through Door #1. Younger children may accompany parents to parties but they need to be closely monitored at all times. If you have strollers please keep them in the hallway. The BPC will be coordinating the volunteers for the event.

We would ask for your cooperation and support in our attempt to have a safe and fun-filled day. 

Weather permitting, our school parade will be outside at 8:30 a.m.   In case of rain/snow, our parades will take place in the hallways throughout the building. If the parade has to take place inside, parents will be sent a Zoom link to view the parade virtually. 

A one-hour party (9:00-10:00) will follow the parade.  Please e-mail ([email protected] or [email protected]) if you have any questions.


Community Information:

If you like to ride your bicycles, then join this wonderful community event near 8-corners this Friday, Oct 7, at 6pm by Cycle Brookfield.  It is called a "Slow Roll Social Ride" to allow riders of all levels, you may even see the Brookfield Police leading the way.  See the attached flyer for more details & even more exciting future events, like the Halloween ride.



The Brookfield Women’s Club and The Compassion Factory are hosting a Young Entrepreneur Market on November 6th 2:30-5:30pm, highlighting young entrepreneurs' services and handmade arts and crafts.

There are limited spots.  Apply today so you can join us! 

Know a budding or seasoned young artist, crafter, business owner, maker, creator, etc. grades 4-12?  Share with young entrepreneurs so they can join us too!

Apply and more details at

Questions?  Contact us at [email protected]


Enjoy the long weekend!!!
